Source code for intents.connectors.interface.connector

This is the client-facing part of the interface. you will subclass the
:class:`Connector` base class, and clients will operate on its instances.

import logging
from uuid import uuid1
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Type, Union

from intents import Intent, Agent, LanguageCode
from intents.language import agent_supported_languages
from intents.connectors.interface.prediction import Prediction
from intents.connectors.interface.fulfillment import FulfillmentRequest

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Connector(ABC): """ Connect the given Agent to a Prediction Service. Args: agent_cls: The Agent to connect default_session: A default session ID (conversation channel) for predictions. If None, Connector will generate a random string default_language: A default language for predictions. If None, Connector will use the Agent's firs defined language. """ agent_cls: Type[Agent] default_session: str default_language: str def __init__( self, agent_cls: Type[Agent], default_session: str=None, default_language: Union[LanguageCode, str]=None ): if not default_language: default_language = agent_supported_languages(agent_cls)[0] default_language = LanguageCode.ensure(default_language) if not default_session: default_session = f"py-{str(uuid1())}" self.agent_cls = agent_cls self.default_session = default_session self.default_language = default_language
[docs] @abstractmethod def predict(self, message: str, session: str=None, language: Union[LanguageCode, str]=None) -> Prediction: """ Predict the given User message in the given session using the given language. When `session` or `language` are None, `predict` will use the default values that are specified in :meth:`__init__`. *predict* will return an instance of :class:`Prediction`, representing the service response. >>> from intents.connectors import DialogflowEsConnector >>> from example_agent import ExampleAgent >>> df = DialogflowEsConnector('/path/to/service-account.json', ExampleAgent) >>> prediction = df.predict("Hi, my name is Guido") >>> prediction.intent UserNameGive(user_name='Guido') >>> prediction.intent.user_name "Guido" >>> prediction.fulfillment_text "Hi Guido, I'm Bot" >>> prediction.confidence 0.86 Args: message: The User message to predict session: Any string identifying a conversation language: A LanguageCode object, or a ISO 639-1 string (e.g. "en") """
[docs] @abstractmethod def trigger(self, intent: Intent, session: str=None, language: Union[LanguageCode, str]=None) -> Prediction: """ Trigger the given Intent in the given session using the given language. When `session` or `language` are None, `predict` will use the default values that are specified in :meth:`__init__`. >>> from intents.connectors import DialogflowEsConnector >>> from example_agent import ExampleAgent, smalltalk >>> df = DialogflowEsConnector('/path/to/service-account.json', ExampleAgent) >>> prediction = df.trigger(smalltalk.AgentNameGive(agent_name='Alice')) >>> prediction.intent AgentNameGive(agent_name='Alice') >>> prediction.fulfillment_text "Howdy Human, I'm Alice" >>> prediction.confidence 1.0 Args: intent: The Intent instance to trigger session: Any string identifying a conversation language: A LanguageCode object, or a ISO 639-1 string (e.g. "en") """
[docs] @abstractmethod def fulfill(self, fulfillment_request: FulfillmentRequest) -> dict: """ This method is responsible for handling requests coming from a fulfillment interface. We are at that point in the flow when an intent was triggered/predicted, and Service is calling the webhook service for fulfillment. Refer to :mod:`intents.fulfillment` for a more detailed explanation. In this method, Connector interprets the body of the request, builds a :class:`~intents.model.intent.FulfillmentContext` object, builds the :class:`~intents.model.Intent` object that is references in the request, and calls its :meth:`~intents.model.intent.Intent.fulfill` method. This will produce a :class:`~intents.model.intent.FulfillmentResult` object, that Connector will translate into a Service-compatible response (a dictionary) and return to caller. Args: fulfillment_request: A raw fulfillment request, as it is sent by the Prediction service (typically via a standard REST webhook call) Returns: An object containing a response that Service can read """
[docs] @abstractmethod def upload(self): """ Upload the connected Agent to the Prediction Service. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def export(self, destination: str): """ Export the connected Agent in a format that can be read and imported natively by the Prediction service. For instance, the Dialogflow service will produce a ZIP export that can be imported from the Dialogflow console. Note that you can also directly upload the Agent with :meth:`upload`. :param destination: destination path of the exported Agent """