Source code for intents.cli.agentctl

A Command Line Interface for Agents is available through the **agentctl** script.

.. warning::

    **agentctl** is experimental, expect its interface and implementation to change in the near future

To use the CLI, define first define an ``.env`` file with the Agent configuration parameters. You can find an example at ``/example_agent/test_stories/.env.template``.

import logging

import fire
import dotenv

from intents import fulfillment
from intents.cli.agent_controller import AgentController

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Agentctl: """ This is the base Agentclt class. """
[docs] def export(self, path: str): """ Export the Agent to file >>> dotenv -f .env run agentctl export --path Args: path: path to the file the Agent will be exported to """ controller = AgentController.from_env() print(f"Exporting Agent '{controller.agent_class_import}' to '{path}' using connector: {controller.connector}") connector = controller.load_connector() connector.export(path)
[docs] def upload(self): """ Upload the Agent its configured service >>> dotenv -f .env run agentctl upload """ controller = AgentController.from_env() print(f"Uploading Agent '{controller.agent_class_import}' using connector: {controller.connector}") connector = controller.load_connector() connector.upload()
[docs] def dev_server(self): """ Start a development server to enable fulfillments. >>> dotenv -f .env run agentctl upload Make sure that your server is reachable from the prediction service (e.g. by using a *ngrok* tunnel if you are developing locally) on the host and port defined by the ``I_WEBHOOK_HOST`` and ``I_WEBHOOK_PORT`` env variables; the remote agent will be configured to use those values in :meth:`Agentctl.upload`. """ controller = AgentController.from_env() print(f"Starting Dev server for Agent '{controller.agent_class_import}' using connector: {controller.connector}") connector = controller.load_connector() fulfillment.run_dev_server( connector=connector, token=controller.webhook_configuration.token, port=controller.dev_server_port )
def agentctl(): dotenv.load_dotenv(dotenv.find_dotenv(usecwd=True), verbose=True) logger.warning("Warning! agentctl is a preview feature, its behavior may not be stable or consistent.") fire.Fire(Agentctl)