Source code for example_agent.smalltalk

These intents demonstrate the fundamentals of a Conversation: Intents and
from typing import List
from dataclasses import dataclass

from intents import Intent, Sys

[docs]@dataclass class Hello(Intent): """ | User: Hello | Agent: Greetings, Human :) The **simplest** possible intent: a greetings exchange with no parameters. """
[docs]@dataclass class UserNameGive(Intent): """ | User: My name is Guido | Agent: Hi Guido This demonstrates the use of a **system entity** that is recognized in the User utterance. Check :mod:`` for custom entities. Args: user_name: User said this is his name """ user_name: Sys.Person
[docs]@dataclass class AgentNameGive(Intent): """ | Agent: Howdy Human, my name is $agent_name Note that this is Agent sending an unsolicided message to User, rather than predicting a response. The language file of the Intent will have no Example Utterances, meaning that the Intent can be **triggered**, but will never be predicted. Args: agent_name: Agent claims this is its name """ agent_name: Sys.Person
[docs]@dataclass class UserLikesMusic(Intent): """ | User: I like music | Agent: I love Rock 'n' Roll! | User: I like Reggae music | Agent: I love Reggae! This intent demonstrates the use of **default** parameter values: when User doesn't specify a genre, Agent will assume it's Rock 'n' Roll. Args: music_genre: User said he likes this genre, defaults to "Rock 'n' Roll" """ music_genre: Sys.MusicGenre = "Rock 'n' Roll"
[docs]@dataclass class GreetFriends(Intent): """ | User: Say hi to my friends Al, John and Jack | Agent: Hello Al, John and Jack This intent demonstrates the use of **List** parameters. In the example above, the `friend_names` parameter will be valued `["Al", "John", "Jack"]`. Also, friend_names is a **required** parameter. When User doesn't specify names, we want to ask her to do so in a slot filling manner. This is done by defining `slot_filling_prompts` in the Intent language file. Args: friend_names: A list of friends to greet """ friend_names: List[Sys.Person]
[docs]@dataclass class UserAsksDay(Intent): """ | User: What day is it? | Agent: When? | User: today | Agent: That would be 2021-06-19 This is equivalent to :class:`GreetFriends`; they are both intents with a required parameter that is prompted to User when missing in the original utterance. One peculiarity of this one is the use of **Sys.Date**: prediction services are able to turn spoken time references ("today", "last week", "in a month", ...) into absolute values. The `date` parameter is automatically casted to a python :class:`` object when this Intent is predicted (:class:`Sys.Date` inherits from :class:``): >>> predicted = connector.predict("What day will be tomorrow?") >>> Sys.Date(2021, 6, 20) Args: date: The date User wants to check """ date: Sys.Date