Source code for example_agent.agent

This is an example Agent that has a number of Intent categories. Each category
**demonstrates** a specific set of features of the *Intents* library, and

* :mod:`~example_agent.smalltalk` shows the **fundamentals** of Intents and their Parameters
* :mod:`` demonstrates how to use intent **relations** to control the conversation flow
* :mod:`` shows how to define **custom entities**
* :mod:`~example_agent.calculator` demonstrates the use of **fulfillments** to include custom logic
  in the Agent's bejavior
* :mod:`~example_agent.travels` demonstrates the use of **rich responses**, such as Images, Cards
  and Quick Replies

.. tip::

    Most of the interesting stuff about the Example Agent comes from its **source code**
    and may not be shown in documentation pages. Hit the `[source]` link (or browse the
    full code at to know
    more about your topic of interest

from intents import Agent

from example_agent import smalltalk, restaurant, travels, shop, calculator

[docs]class ExampleAgent(Agent): """ An example agent that greets its users, and not much more... """ languages = ["en", "it"]
ExampleAgent.register(smalltalk) ExampleAgent.register(restaurant) ExampleAgent.register(travels) ExampleAgent.register(shop) ExampleAgent.register(calculator)